Live With Intention

Words 2012

What's Good???

Good afternoon! It is Tuesday!!  :)  Gratitude breeds more gratitude… isn't that awesome?   This only  takes a few moments to do but gives to you for much, much longer.  So put down whatever you are doing and take a couple of minutes for yourself.  Every Tuesday morning I am going to ask you to write down 5 things that you are grateful for and email them to me (keep for yourself as well).  What are you feeling gratitude around?  Here are mine for this week:

Being able to replace things when they break.

Cable TV.

Fresh Fruit & Veggies.


Lululemon Pacific Place.  


There are no right or wrong answers.  It is about what you are grateful for.   It is proven that doing this once a week for three months (actually just 9 weeks) makes you happier, healthier, exercise more and less sensitive to perceived slights.  You will sweat the small stuff less and focus on what really matters.

So… what are you waiting for???

Food for thought:

What if you realized you were limitless.  What if you realized that you aren't constrained by your body, by the perceived world, not even by your limited beliefs and ideas.  You are energy manifested.  You are more than what you see with your naked eye.  Sit in this idea.  If you allow yourself to let go of your ideas of scarcity, of lack, what is left?  You have everything you need, right now, to do whatever it is that you want.  You are a creative being that longs to create.  How will you use your power?        

Feel love.  Feel peace.  Feel strength.  And it is so.

