Live With Intention

Words 2012

What's Good???

Good morning! It is Tuesday!!  :) This only  takes a few moments to do but gives to you for much, much longer.  So put down whatever you are doing and take a couple of minutes for yourself.  Every Tuesday morning I am going to ask you to write down 5 things that you are grateful for and email them to me (keep for yourself as well).  What are you feeling gratitude around?  Here are mine for this week:

Alternative Radio.

Goal Setting.

Pretty Things.

Animal Friends.


There are no right or wrong answers.  It is about what you are grateful for.   It is proven that doing this once a week for three months (actually just 9 weeks) makes you happier, healthier, exercise more and less sensitive to perceived slights.  You will sweat the small stuff less and focus on what really matters.

So… what are you waiting for???

Food for thought:

What do you value?  What do you feel is important in your life?  Put energy into it.  Make it your focus.  If you want it you will work for it, you will strive for it, you will achieve it.  We all have things that we want and love.  Let go of the judgement and go for it!     

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value."   ~Thomas Paine

