Live With Intention

Words 2012

Housework & The Universe

Dusting is a good example of the futility of trying to put things right. As soon as you dust, the fact of your next dusting has already been established. ~George Carlin So for those who know me you know that I am pretty busy and always have been.  I pack my days and still find a way to get most of what I need to do done.  Time is something that can be manipulated in my opinion (I will delve into that another time) but still, I run out of it often.  Most of the time the things that get compromised are household chores like vacuuming, cleaning the various floors, opening mail, paying bills promptly (thank goodness for automatic bill pay and pay online services from my Credit Union), and organizing stuff (and i have stuff).  I feel that life is like a nonprofit.  Your work is never done, you can never catch up, and you will always be swamped, unless you change your idea of success, completion, and achievement.

The fact is, I am not going to get less busy anytime soon.  My plan is to be busier in a way.  Writing more, teaching as much as I can and working with people otherwise.  When you are in love with what you do how would you feel not doing it?  When you know you are headed in the direction you were meant to go why would you slow down or turn back?  So I have had to come to an understanding with myself.  1) I need to hire someone to come in to help with cleaning  2) I need to hire an assistant to take care of mail, bills, billing and other administrative details I haven't the space for and 3) Knowing where I am and what I need and then asking the universe for it is probably the best thing I could do for myself.

When we deny what we want we stay exactly where we are.  When we refuse to admit that we need help we are left to struggle on our own.  When we don't understand the power of giving permission to others to give help we are left alone.  You can have what you want but first you have to understand that you deserve to want, you deserve to have, you are worth the universe conspiring to make your life work for you.

What do you need to ask the universe for?

