Live With Intention

Words 2012

Be Your Own Master

Good Thursday to you! What if the only thing you were supposed to be great at was being you? My sister has said many times, "the only work you have here in this life is you… you are your work." I have found this to be sooo true in sooo many ways (in every way actually). However, I have seen this concept totally and completely irritate, confound and simply piss others off. Most people have no desire to master themselves. It is "too hard" to pay attention to everything that we do, some have said. I have also heard, "It is impossible to be aware of everything we do." To that I say, well, if that is what you believe then that will be your reality. However, have you ever tried? Do you know what it is like to spend most of your time mastering your thoughts, your behaviors, yourself? True power comes when you are your own master.

You are born into this world knowing what you want immediately and not doubting that it is yours to be had. You are connected to the world you prefer in a way that is somewhat unshakeable at first.  You spend an amazing amount of time working on shaping your world.  Learning how to talk so that you can get more of what you would like.  We have all heard children talk about how they see the world and we sometimes consider their viewpoints "magical" due to the fact that they don't always correspond to the views we have of the world. We also have felt a sense of loss at the fact that we don't seem to have that "magical" thinking anymore. Well we do have magical thinking, it is our birthright and all it takes is being your own master mind.

We spend years working on mastering this or that or the other… but balk at the idea of mastering ourselves. Most people will spend 8 or 9 hours straight working for someone, typing on the computer, watching TV or talking to friends/family; yet spending the same amount of time practicing how to make what we believe in a reality is "too hard." The reality of being intentional about our thoughts, shaping them around our ideals and not letting them go despite the appearance of things on the outside is not something that most people are waking up at 7am to do. When we were young we saw what we wanted to see and our worlds conformed for us. I am always amazed at the saying of "God takes care of fools and babies." I think I understand that the fools and the babies have magical thinking in common… they believe that the world is their to support them and so it does. I don't see anything foolish about that.

What if you spent a period of time daily where you were intentional with your thoughts. See what it is like to be relentless in your discipline around only allowing thoughts that supported your ideals about everything. For example, I have what some say is 'parking karma.' This means that I always get the best, or nearly the best, parking spot when I am out and about. I see the world in this way (around this subject): There is a spot for me when I need it. It is the only thought I allow in when it comes to parking.

"Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding form in the mind which observes it, and this can only be prevented by holding the thought of TRUTH."  (Truth being what you would prefer to be such as parking spots, health, abundance). ~Wallace Wattles

Have fun playing with your own personal magic!!!

